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Guia Michelin
Gastronomia sustentável
Opinião do Guia Michelin
Nowadays, Villa Ruimzicht is both a hotel and home to this elegant and chic yet warm and welcoming restaurant. The name Lokaal can be translated as "classroom" and is a nod to the building's past as a school. But it is also much more than that: it reflects the commitment of Bjorn Massop and his team to sustainability. They source everything from vegetables to meat and fish from local small-scale suppliers who share their values. This dining experience is a real education. For instance, you will learn that coffee grounds are used to lend earthy notes to a medlar and sherry dessert. Embracing a zero-waste philosophy fuels the chef's innovation. For example, by fermenting spruce in a vegetable broth, he creates a harmonious accompaniment to trout from De Smallert fish farm. The set menu is a celebration of the riches of the Achterhoek terroir.
Parque de estacionamento
Ruimzichtlaan 150
7001 KG Doetinchem