Pintada con jugo de heno asado/Marc Fosh
Merengue salado de albahaca, ajo negro y piñones/Marc Fosh
Pichon con zanahoria especiada, ruibarbo y hibisco/Marc Fosh
Bogavante con caviar y remoulade/Marc Fosh
Los Snacks/Marc Fosh
Foie, esparragos verdes y cerazas y hibisco/Marc Fosh
Marc Fosh
Ganache de chocolate blanco y yuzo con sorbete de melocoton y hierba luisa/Marc Fosh
Coliflor asado con 'soubise' al curry /Marc Fosh
Marc Fosh
Marc Fosh Restaurant/Marc Fosh
Marc fosh Restaurant/Marc Fosh
Marc Fosh
Marc Fosh
cremoso de chocolate blanco y vainilla con fresas de mallorca y estragon/Marc Fosh
Lubina “curada” en lechuga de mar con salsa de tomates verdes y salicornia/Marc Fosh
Denton salvaje con 'noodle' de almendra tierna, esparrago blanco y tinta de calamar/Marc Fosh
Marc Fosh
Guia Michelin
Vale a pena o passo
Opinião do Guia Michelin
Although tucked away along a narrow street in the historic quarter of the city, this restaurant (part of a 17C seminary that has been superbly converted into the Convent de la Missió hotel) comes as a delightful surprise. In its meticulous modern interior, featuring brightly lit spaces with a minimalist feel and a pleasant patio-terrace, discover the cuisine of Marc Fosh, the first British chef to be awarded a Michelin star on Spanish soil. His cooking brings together flavour, technique and creativity and highlights, through simply constructed yet sophisticated combinations, the seasonal Mediterranean ingredients that he fell in love with when he first came to the island (nowadays, most of these are sourced from the restaurant’s farm on the Finca Son Mir or through its collaboration with small-scale local producers). Choose between several excellent menus: one available for lunch midweek, and two tasting-style options – Marc and Aromas del Mediterráneo (available for dinner only).
De la Missió 707003 Palma