Rosmadec Le Moulin
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Guia Michelin
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Opinião do Guia Michelin
The first restaurant to be awarded a star in the Finistère (back in 1993!), the Moulin de Rosmadec is a gourmet benchmark of Brittany; it also enjoys a magical location with its alfresco terrace by the River Aven. Supervised by chef Christian Le Squer, the food sings the praises of Brittany’s country produce (sarrazin wheat, buttermilk, Plougastel strawberries) and local seafood (spider crab, langoustine, lobster). Enticingly presented, subtle sauces and reductions and delicate flavours. A high-flying culinary score, flanked by a splendid wine list.
Venelle de Rosmadec
29930 Pont-Aven