Basilique St-Julien

Guia Michelin
Vale a viagem
Monumento religioso
A opinião do Guia Michelin
Begun in the late 11C, the Basilique St Julien was completed in 1180, then heightened and vaulted in 1259. Take a look around to admire the magnificent chevet: its terraces are in the Auvergne Romanesque style, while its ornamentation is more Burgundian. Note the original appearance of the rib-vaulted side porches, which is due to their use as chapels in the 16C, and the elegant multi-coloured pebble flooring (16C), the sculpted capitals and the contemporary stained-glass windows.
Informações práticas
+33 4 71 74 97 49
Place St-Julien43100 Brioude
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