Museum Bredius
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Guia Michelin
A opinião do Guia Michelin
Abraham Bredius (1855-1946), art historian and former director of the Mauritshuis, bequeathed his collection of paintings to the city. Occupying a fine mansion built in 1757, the museum is named after him and displays part of the collection. Among a series of 17C works you can admire Jan Steens's The Satyr and the Peasants, a Head of Christ by Rembrandt, and the Entertainment on the Ice by A. van der Neer, as well as works by A. Cuyp, A. van Ostade and W. P. Buytewech.
Informações práticas
+31 70 362 0729
Lange Vijverberg 14
2513 AC Den Haag
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