Bird Safari from Gjesvær
Imagem do local
Guia Michelin
Vale bem a pena as diversões
Parque ou jardim
A opinião do Guia Michelin
Take a boat trip to explore the Gjesværstappan Nature Reserve (15km west of North Cape), which reaches over three rocky islands: Storstappan, Kirkestappan and Bukkestappan. 360 000 birds nest here, including gulls, cormorants, penguins and Northern gannets. Seals lounge near the rocks, in the shallow waters, while white-tailed eagles high overhead swoop down on the nests of other species. The experience of immersion in this setting of untamed beauty is quite exhilarating!
Informações práticas
+47 416 13 983
Birdsafari AS - Nygårdsvei 38
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