Château des Baux-de-Provence
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Guia Michelin
Vale bem a pena as diversões
Monumento civil e militar
A opinião do Guia Michelin
The interesting vestiges of the Château des Baux, demolished in 1632 by order of Richelieu, include the ruins of the citadel, towers, the castle chapel (12C-16C) and the keep, with a splendid panorama. You enter via a space that uses models to relate the site's glorious past. Its other points of interest are a monument dedicated to the poet Charloun Rieu and the Chapelle St Blaise. The castle plays hosts to events, most notably the Médiévales des Baux, from April to September.
Informações práticas
+33 4 90 54 55 56
Allée du Château
13520 Les Baux-de-Provence
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