Dartmoor National Park
Imagem do local
Guia Michelin
Vale bem a pena as diversões
Local natural
A opinião do Guia Michelin
Dartmoor National Park covers over 945km2 and is the largest of the five granite masses which form the core of southwest England. Its centre, covered with open moorland, home to wild ponies, sheep and cattle, is flanked by tors to the north and west. The two highest, High Willhays (621m) and Yes Tor (619m) are in a military training area. To the east and southeast, lie wooded valleys and cascading streams, which are home to small villages. Don't miss the view from Brent Tor and the wooded valley of Lydford Gorge.
Informações práticas
+44 1822 890414
Plymouth PL4
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