Grande Saline (salt works) and Salt museum
Imagem do local
Guia Michelin
Vale bem a pena as diversões
Local industrial
A opinião do Guia Michelin
On the banks of the River Furieuse, the saltworks (Grande Saline) produced salt up until 1962. Now a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the place has been turned into a salt museum; it proposes a comprehensive overview of the historical manufacturing process. The visit takes you beneath the semi-circular medieval vaults of the spectacular underground galleries, which are 200m long. The factory machinery is still in working order: pumps, huge 38 000-litre pans, hydraulic wheel etc.
Informações práticas
+33 3 84 73 10 92
3 place des Salines
39110 Salins-les-Bains
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