Boulettes poisson blanc frites/Kakinuma
Vue intérieur/Kakinuma
Brochette de poulet - Yakitori/Kakinuma
Assortiment de Sushi/Kakinuma
Vue intérieur/Kakinuma
Vue intérieur/Kakinuma
Aubergine à la sauce Dengaku miso/Kakinuma
Vue restaurant/Kakinuma
Guia Michelin
Opinião do Guia Michelin
This small restaurant in the lively Eaux-Vives district is definitely worthy of its current success. The couple that run it create fresh and elegant dishes that include the most exquisitely sliced fish, tempuras that are as light as a feather, and silky chawanmushi (an egg flan). A feast for the senses!
3 rue Henri-Blanvalet1207 Genève