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Guia Michelin
Vale a pena o passo
Opinião do Guia Michelin
Between the Left Bank and Boulevard St Germain, this restaurant celebrates the alliance of Shawn and Toshi, respectively in charge of the dining room and the kitchen and partners in this culinary adventure. Chef Toshitaka Omiya prefers authenticity to fancy frills. His cooking, which revolves around fine seasonal ingredients, hits the spot every time, regaling both the eye and the tastebuds, as he rolls out disarmingly, yet also dazzlingly simple, subtle and well-executed recipes. Racan chicken with lobster roe, for example, is the house speciality. The pared-back interior dotted with discreet nods to Japan makes you feel right at home; even better it affords a fascinating insight into what happens in the kitchen.
5 rue de Poissy
75005 Paris