Ceský Sternberk Castle
Imagem do local
Guia Michelin
Monumento civil e militar
A opinião do Guia Michelin
This majestic 13C castle straddles a narrow rocky crest overlooking the Sázava. Begun in 1241, it has been remodelled several times over the centuries. Today, guests can still admire its circular tower, impressive central wing, bastions in the outer northern courtyard and its famous coat-of-arms depicting an eight-pointed star (Stern in German). Inside, the modestly sized layout has resulted in unusually shaped rooms, some of which are magnificently decorated with sophisticated stucco work.
Informações práticas
+420 317 855 101
257 27 Český Šternberk 1
257 27 Ceský Šternberk
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