Museu de Arte Moderna
Guia Michelin
Vale bem a pena as diversões
A opinião do Guia Michelin
At Rio's Museum of Modern Art you will find works by Bourdelle, Brancusi and Rodin alongside pieces by Jorge Barrão, Florian Raiss, Ernesto Neto and Felipe Barbosa. The collection is so impressive you could easily forget the tragic fire that beset the building in 1978, 20 years after it opened. The exhibited works provide a magnificent overview of contemporary sculpture and painting, both national and international. The wonderful location of the museum in the middle of the Burle Marx-designed Flamengo Park enhances the visit.
Informações práticas
+55 21 3883-5600
Avenida Infante Dom Henrique 85, Parque Do Flamengo
Rio-de-Janeiro 20021 140
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