Upper Belvedere
Imagem do local
Guia Michelin
Vale bem a pena as diversões
A opinião do Guia Michelin
The collections of the Gallery of 19 and 20C Art are in the Upper Belvedere. On the first floor the collections range from the «Historicist, Realist and Impressionist» movements to «Art of the early years of the 20C». The second floor contains the Classicism, Romantism and Biedermeier sections. The most remarkable works, including those by Monet and Renoir, are by Makart (Lady at the Harpsichord), Romako, Klimt (The Kiss) and Schiele (Death and the Maiden).
Informações práticas
+43 1 795570
Prinz-Eugen Straße 27
1030 Wien
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